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Legal Statement

Time:2012-03-26   Views:3338 Times    Author:GTT


Regulation and GTT website access condition

The following rules apply to all users and viewers, who access the website. GTT Telecom Technologies Co., Ltd keeps the rights to amend the regulation at any time. The right to access the website is conferred by GTT according to the following rules. If you do not agree with any rules in the following, please stop to use the website. For the behavior of violating the rules, GTT has got the right to adopt legal and equal remark measures.



The materials and information carried on the website, including but do not limited to text, picture, data, point of view, advice, webpage or links. GTT is trying to supply exact materials and information on the website, but do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, adequacy and reliability of these materials and content, and clearly declare that do not bear the responsibility of error and miss in these materials and content. And also do not guarantee any express or implied, including but do not limited to related ownership warranty, do not infringe third party rights, quality and no computer virus to these materials and content.


GTT can amend the content in the website at any time without any notice or prompt, in order to get the information of latest edition, please timing visit the website. The mentioned non-GTT products or service in the website by GTT is only to supply relevant information, and do not constitute approval or recommendation of these products and service. GTT do not also make any declaration, guarantee or approval of the products and service supplied in the website, all sold product and service should be constrained by sales contract and clause of the company.


Copyright Note

The materials or content carried on the website is protected by copyright law, GTT possess the all copyright, but except the content cited from others. Without prior written permission of GTT or others, anyone can not copy, sell, pirate, play the content by any way, and not allowed to connect or transfer by hyperlink, load on other servers by mirror method, storage in information retrieval system or any other use in commercial purposes, but except personal download or print for non-commercial purposes (The condition is not allowed to amend and must keep the instructions of copyright and other ownership in the material).



All the trademarks and signs used and displayed in the website are belong to GTT, but except the marked trademarks, signs and trade names of others. Without prior written permission, anyone can not use the name, trademark and sign of GTT by any way.


Supplied products and service

Due to the internationality and boundarilessness of internet, the information supplied from the website has internationality too, so not all the products and service mentioned in the website are supplied in your country or district, please contact with local sales representative or agent to get the information of products and service in your country or district.


Third-party link

The website may keep the link of third-party websites. To visit the sites is up to the user, GTT do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, adequacy and reliability of any information, data, point of view, images, statements or proposal supplied from the links. GTT supply the links is just to supply convenience, it dose not to show approval and recommendation of these information by GTT, and also not use in the purpose of publicity.

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